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 1. Mark Spivey  End of Life Choices: Palliative Care and the Role of Hospice  SS2006-06-25 
 2. James F. Cleary, MD  Transitioning to Palliative Care  HSLC Lecture Capture 
 3. Audit Scotland  A review of palliative care services in Scotland   
 4. Dr. Sheldon Fine  Q008: Supportive & Palliative Cancer Care Dr Sheldon Fine  CVH Health Q: Health & Wellness Podcasts 
 5. Dr. Ed Chu, Dr. Ken Miller  Cancer Answers: Pain and Palliative Care for Cancer Patients, July 29, 2007  Yale Cancer Center Answers 
 6. Jennifer Block  Practicing Awareness with Life and Death - 5 of 6 - Hospice Precepts  www.audiodharma.org 
 7. Bible Chapel  Life Choices  Sanctity of Human Life 
 8. Dr. Jim Bradford  Life Choices  Living Significantly in the Face of Difficulty 
 9. Adorers of the Blood of Christ  Rita & Maria on Life Choices  www.adorers.org 
 10. Ken Hudson - Loyalist College  Role Play Training in Second Life  Train for Success - Gronstedt Group 
 11. Carolyn Custis James  The Role of Women in Both Ministry and Life  Dallas Seminary Chapel 
 12. Albert N. Martin  The Role of Faith in a Life of Holiness  A Manifesto of Trinity Baptist Church 
 13. Rabbi Akiva Tatz  SimpleToRemember.com - Defining One's Role In Life  Inner World 
 14. Wayne Johnston  The Role of God's Word in the Life of the Christian  The Authority of God's Word 
 15. Mark Spivey  The Simpsons: an animated analysis of the role religion plays in American life  SS2005-08-14 
 16. Mark Spivey  The Simpsons: an animated analysis of the role religion plays in American life  SS2005-08-14 
 17. Gregory Gramelspacher M.D., Center for Bioethics, Indiana University  End of Life Care for the Poor  U.Va Podcasts 
 18. Myra Christopher and Christian Sinclair, MD  Health Reform and End of Life Care  The Bioethics Channel 
 19. Myra Christopher and Christian Sinclair, MD  Health Reform and End of Life Care  The Bioethics Channel 
 20. Vivian Beaumont and Vivian Beaumont  6 Hospice Snuff Podcast   
 21. Norman Fischer  Zen Hospice Project Benefit  www.audiodharma.org 
 22. National Radio Project  22-08 "A Crisis of Care: A System of Life Support" Part III  Making Contact 
 23. Les Morgan  Larry Beresford and Les Morgan discuss the hospice cap  Growth House Radio Interview 
 24. bravenewbioethics  Hospice association abandons patient's best interests with refusal to denounce physician assisted suicide  Brave New Bioethics 
 25. Julia Allen & William Pollak  Why Leaders Should Care About Security - Part 3: Competitive Advantage, Duty of Care, and Who's Responsible?  CERT Podcasts for Business Leaders 
 26. Texas Public Policy Foundation  Does anyone care how much health care really costs?  Texas PolicyCast 
 27. Program narration:Denise Manzari~Segment producers:Melinda Tuhus~Executive Producer:Scott Harris~Music:Mikata  BETWEEN THE LINES Senate Health Care Reform Debate - Surrender on Public Option Health Care-Now! Assistant National Coordinator, Katie Robbins Produced by Scott Harris   
 28. SCIENCE AND SOCIETY  Health Care Policy and Health Care Regulation - Dr. Robert Field  SCIENCE AND SOCIETY 
 29. Chris Bouchard  22 - Choices (2)  Star Wars Revelations Soundtrack 
 30. Barry A Miller  The Two Choices.  Hebrews 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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